(North America) The Balboa BP System has a feature that provides reminder messages and error code messages which appear on the Topside display.  



The Reminder Messages:
Generated by an internal timer that tracks how long the Control Pack has been powered on, these messages are simply reminders for maintenance checks, more insight can be found link: Balboa BP Reminder Messages : Canadian Spa Company Service 

The Error Code Messages

Triggered by the system parameters and sensors. These error codes are different from the reminder messages and will cause the hot tub to no longer function until the issue has gone away - These error codes will appear on the display for a short time or temporarily until the issue has been resolved, more insight can be seen below.

Please reach out to us with the matching error code below for troubleshooting instructions.

  1. No COM** - This error indicates a communication problem between the topside control panel and the spa's control system
  2. - - - or - - F, - - C** - The actual water temperature is unknown. This can occur when the spa is in Economy or Sleep Mode, and the pump has not turned on.
  3. CONFIG ERROR** - Configuration error, usually indicating a problem with the system's settings.
  4. CHKSUM FAIL** - Checksum failure, indicating a problem with the system's memory.
  5. HEATER MAY BE DRY** - The heater may be dry and will retest shortly.
  6. gFI or GFCI FAILURE** - Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter failure.
  7. HFL, HL, or HTR FLOW LOW** - Heater flow is low.
  8. HOt or HOT-CALL SVC** - The spa is too hot and requires service.
  9. ICE, IC, or FREEZE COND** - Freeze condition detected
  10. LF or LOW FLOW** - Low flow detected, weak flow.
  11. FLOW FAIL or FL FAIL** - Low water/insufficient water, poor flow.
  12. OHH, HH, or HTR TEMP LMT SERVICE REQD** - Heater temperature limit exceeded and requires service.
  13. OHS, OH, or SPA TEMP LMT** - Spa temperature limit exceeded.
  14. PERSIST FAIL** - Persistent failure detected.
  15. SAFETY FAULT** - Safety fault detected.
  16. SnA, SA, or SENSOR A SERVICE REQD** - Sensor A requires service.
  17. Snb, Sb, or SENSOR B SERVICE REQD** - Sensor B requires service.
  18. SnS or Sn** - Sensor error.

Note: These error codes apply to spas equipped with the following Balboa Control pack systems: CNBP501*, CNBP501x*, CNBP100*