2024 Canadian Spa Company Portable Spa Troubleshooting
Modified on: Tue, 14 May, 2024 at 4:32 AM
This is a run-through on the majority of Canadian Spa Company portable faults and control unit (PCU) messages.
Please follow the steps carefully, we hope to find a solution to cure the problem you are experiencing.
Any questions feel free to ask when making a support ticket. |
Continuss heat mode maintains longevity so we advise having this mode on. Regular maintenance of water treatment, and filter cleanliness is essential for heat retention. When not in use ensure to clean and dry the spa and unit thoroughly, whilst storing it in a warm location indoors.
This preserves both the unit and the spa, ensuring optimal performance.
Ensure the inlet and outlet caps are removed and that the water level is above the orange wavy lines inside the portable spa pool.
Always fill the spa up with hose-temperature water, not a warm/hot tap. |
Avoid turning the unit on and off from the mains as this can disrupt the operation of the PCU. Only do so when packing away the PCU & spa or changing the filter.
Keep the PCU on heat mode 24/7 A friendly reminder to change the filter that may pop up which is to remove hold down the heat button for 5 seconds CHG-FIL (See attached)
When checking your spa, make sure the green lock button is not flashing (See attached).
This will indicate that the lock button is on, meaning that the other buttons won't activate/engage unless this is removed
To remove CHG-FIl hold down the heat button for 3-5 seconds To remove LOCK hold down the lock button for 3-5 seconds |
Additionally, the following messages may be present; 1. F- 0, 1 or 2 on screen
 An F - Message is a heat setting on your control unit.
Hold down the 'heat' and 'jets' buttons for 3-5 seconds at the same time and use the '+' or '-' to scroll through F - 0 to F - 2i n order to set the maximum temperature.
F - 0 will allow 40º as the max temp F - 1 will allow 38º as the max temp F - 2 will allow 42º as the max temp
Press any other button to escape and set. |
2. 150 flashing on the screen  Please press and hold the heat button for 3-5 seconds, if press any other button to remove this message.No luck when trying to remove the messages above? click on the button below and generate a support ticket. Please check that you have not already made a #6digitnumber, which will be on your email subject line. TIP: Search [email protected] or # in your inbox or junk. |
The following checks are needed if the spa doesn't heat, there is an error message or the portable control unit becomes noisier than usual.
1. The spa pipes have been correctly installed, make sure these are straight. 2. Filters are in good condition and not old (No more than 3-4 weeks) Make sure to use our brand. 3. Changing the water regularly (every 1-2 months dependent on use) 4. Check for any hair or debris in the filter housing, as it could potentially reach the impeller within the pump and cause blockages. Regular checking and cleaning within the filter housing maintains pump operation, as this maintains water flow and prevents potential issues. 5. Make sure all o-rings are intact and not damaged as this can create an airlock or Error message.
The spa must be set on a flat and level surface, if not it can cause problems with the tub and possible issues with the PCU. When fitting the spa pipes they must be straight when fitted, to help fit these fasten the liner/bladder side first then secure the PCU side. Applying slightly soapy water on the inside of your pipes, will make the pipes glide and fasten onto the ports so much easier. Make sure the whole spa unit has room behind itself. At least 10 cm is required extra all the way around, as the inflatable main bladder will expand within a week or two. The unit/PCU will be also pushed back when this occurs, causing the pipes to bend if not enough space. This will restrict the flow of water in and out of the tub, so please make sure there is space for this expansion of the main bladder. |
 | 10cm extra space required around the whole Grand Rapids spa |
 | Make sure the connector/pipes are straight not kinked |
 | Swift Current on an incorrect surface This will cause problems with the liner, jets, heat, and error messages will arise. |
 | Bleed star/sun valve for 20 seconds (See below steps) |
Check that the filter housing o-ring for the bleed valve isn't damaged or perished, making sure the star/sun valve where red arrow is pointing above is screwed down to stop air from drawing into pcu. |
1. Make sure the unit is turned off and connected to the tub (inlet & outlet caps have been removed on the inside) 2. The spa must be filled with hose water, up to the orange lines so that there is adequate water pressure to the unit from the tub and that the inlet & outlet caps have been removed. 3. Unscrew the air valve (Star/sun valve) anticlockwise until air escapes along with water, continue doing this so there is just water escaping (Period of 20 seconds) 4. Retighten the air valve until secure again. 5. Turn the unit back on, press the jets, and then bleed once again from the cog for (20 seconds once again) 6. Set your desired heat temperature, and then press heat checking for water flow on the inlet and outlet ports within the spa.
After setting up and the unit/pcu is still noisy during heat mode, please try the below;
 | Filter grid The filter grid on the base of the housing needs to be wiped and washed every 3-4 days, the example above is of hair that has built up over time. |
 | Backflush of unit video1. Cap the ports inside the tub if you do not want to drain the spa. 2. Unplug the RCD and disconnect the PCU from the connector hoses. 3. Remove the Filter Housing Lid as well as the filter inside. 4. Use a standard garden hose and insert it into the Heater Port (top right port). 5. Hold the hose in the Heater Port and flush the system for approximately 2-3 minutes (water will exit from the Filter Port on the left). 6. Turn the PCU upside down to empty the water. Check the discharged water for any debris that has been flushed out. 7. Inspect the Filter Bowl for any trapped debris. Repeat the flushing process if necessary for longer. 8. Reinstall the PCU. Repeat the bleeding of the unit once again to the tub, and start-up as normal. |
 | 4 Pack of Portable Spa Filters Always use filters for our portable range as these are made to size for the PCU housing and maintain the best water quality so that no large dirt particles pass through into the system. Any other brand and difference in size will not be correct and cause problems down the line.
 | Our filter in the PCU housing |
When an error message still arises please turn off the unit, cap up the spa with the clear caps, drain the water from the unit as much as possible, and take the PCU indoors somewhere warm for 3-4 days. This usually resolves the issue and resets the sensor. For Grand Rapids inflatable hot tubs below; Make sure it is not deflating or is deflated, and change over the valve with the spare one that came in with the manual bag. |
 | Hair & debris caught in the pump within the unit. |
When an error message still arises please turn off the unit, cap up the spa with the clear caps, drain the water from the unit as much as you can, and take the PCU indoors somewhere warm for 3-4 days. This usually resolves the issue and resets the sensor. For Grand Rapids inflatable hot tubs please pay attention to the below; Make sure it has not lost air, replace the Boston valve with the spare one that came in with your original purchase manual bag. |
 | Deflating Grand Rapids Spa |
 | Large Boston inflation valve |
You may want to check through the inside of the bladder (Inlet & outlet ports) as these might be kinked or have debris caught within. Carry out the following; 1. Turn off the PCU power from the mains. 2. Cap up the inlet & outlet ports, this stops water from escaping. 3. Remove the pipes from the bladder taking away the PCU from the spa. 4. You will now need to look through the body of the spa, and see if there is a kinked or crushed inner pipe. It could be that it needs to be flushed out with a hose from the inside to clear any debris but we will need clear sight through. 5. Start it back up and see how you get on, this may correct the error message/heating or water quality issues. |
Inspect the inside of the bladder (Inlet & outlet ports) as these might be kinked or have debris caught within blocking the channels. You want to do the following when carrying this out; 1. Turn off the PCU power from the mains. 2. Cap up the inlet & outlet ports, this stops water from escaping. 3. Remove the pipes from the bladder, taking away the PCU from the spa. 4. Inspect the spa's interior body for kinked or crushed pipes. When debris is caught within it would be best to clear trapped debris. 5. Start it back up, check for water flow on the inside of the spa, and see how you get on, this may correct the error message/heating or water quality issues. |
 | Blue is inlet into pcu (drawing water into the pcu) Red is the outlet back into the spa (warm water into the spa) |
 | Clear vision looking through the inside inlet/outlet ports of the main bladder |
 | When raising a support ticket we will need you to send in the below; |
- Setup of your spa like the picture above, getting as many orange wavy lines into the picture including the control unit with the pipes and its surrounding area
- A video of the fault if visible trying to run through all modes and temp including the lock button
- A picture of your filter resting inside the filter housing with the lid off
Please note, that you want to check that you are not already in correspondence by email with us #6digitnumber on your email subject line from [email protected]
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Article published by Ali Green
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